I’m Győző Dudás, illustrator, graphic designer and creator of comics.
My professional history begins in the early 90s: with my friends – influenced by our childhood illustrator and cartoonist role models and our future art teachers – we have founded a creative community specializing in absurd/alternative comics creation and illustration. This was the Három Madár Műhely (Three Birds Workshop). During the next seven years a variety of our works have appeared in a number of domestic newspapers, magazines and books. After this joyous period in 2000 I undertook a serious job in exchange for a guaranteed revenue – in order to start a family. For the next 15 years I was working for an information technology and web company, Webdesign Ltd as graphic artist, and later on as art director. I was designing printed publications, packaging, brand and web sites for small businesses, well-known artists and quite often for large, international companies.
But it has always been the kneading and ordination of the special relationship between text and image that I’ve found to be the most exciting form of artistic expression. In addition to my full-time job I have created comics and magazine covers, illustrations, comic books, and in ’11 two of my fully illustrated storybooks for adults were published.
Since the summer of ’15 once again I focus on my favourite activity as a freelancer. Since then my illustrations have been regularly featured in various prestigious publications. My 2015 comic (Mitzi macska 9 élete – The Nine Lives of Mitzi the Cat) has received the Hungarian award Szépirodalmi Figyelő-díj. At the end of 2017 my comic novel Perisztaltikhoszeia has been published.
I accept assignments for creating illustrations, designing books and covers and various other graphic design jobs.